Fire Damage Repair Professional Advice - Planning for a Home Fire

When it comes to tough life events, there aren't many events as draining than a fire that sabotages your home and personal possessions. As a fire damage restoration company, Paul Davis knows what a dangerous hazard home fires are. Out of nowhere, it just takes a couple of minutes before a fire gets chaotic. A fire in your home is a terrible and emotionally draining event, even if it destroys everything or not. But you can prepare certain things to make sure that you are ready for when a fire happens.

The Significance of Fire Escape Plans

One of the most essential things you can do to prepare for a home fire is to have safety practices ready. Because not all fires are preventable, being safe is necessary. Every home needs the proper amount of smoke alarms and fire extinguishers placed throughout the property. You should also think about obtaining smoke alarms that identify smoke that is caused by electrical fires because damaged wiring is one of the primary causes of home fires. Children in the home should be taught what the smoke alarm sounds like when it goes off and what to do when it does. Other precautions include outlining fire escape routes in your home. Create a strategy and ensure everybody in the home knows the fire escape routes – there needs to be two exits for every room in the home. It's also important to have a planned meeting place outside so you know who gets out of the home. Making a record of your personal belongings is an excellent idea for insurance purposes just in case all your property is destroyed by the flames. You'll also want to preserve valuable documents like passports and birth certificates in a fire safe box, and you can make digital replicas and upload them to a cloud drive for back ups.

To Decrease the Hazards of a Fire in Your Residence Perform These Precautions

While some fires aren't avoidable, there are a few things you can do to decrease the chances of a fire from happening in your home:

  • Portable Heaters: Make sure your heater has a thermostat and a control mechanism, and it needs to turn off if it falls over.
  • Appliances and Electrical: Shredded cords and broken plugs could easily generate a home fire, so make sure to examine your appliances regularly for any problems. Additionally, keep an eye on your light switches because if they're hot, they need to be replaced.
  • Children: Teach your kids that fire is not something to play with, and make sure to store your matches and lighters in an area that is out of sight and out of reach.
  • Cooking: It's of the utmost importance to be watchful in the kitchen and to not ignore cooking food unattended. Always have somebody there to monitor what's going on.
  • Smoking: Smoking outside is the best method to avert a home fire from occurring. It's very important to not smoke indoors if someone in the residence is on oxygen because oxygen is highly combustible. When you smoke indoors, don't smoke in bed and while lethargic and have ashtrays with tall walls.
  • Fireplaces: It's fundamental to regularly clean and examine your fireplace for damages and creosote. Get a screen for your fireplace that is sturdy and big enough to catch sparks and prevent rolling logs.

Get in Touch with the Fire Damage Restoration Technicians from Paul Davis

Home fires can occur, whether it's something completely out of your control or a mishap, Paul Davis is here to lend a helping hand. Our fire damage restoration services can re-mediate your home back to a good condition again. Call Paul Davis at 888-473-7669 and a franchise in your area will be there for you.